Monday 3 September 2012

Blank Canvas....


I am so bad at tidying my room. I sound like a child, I know, but I have SO much stuff that I can’t bare to part with!! Clothes, shoes, make up, DVD’s, CD’s and loads of sentimental things!! It really is ridiculous though, I live in chaos. It is organised chaos though, I know where most things are. When I do tidy and ‘put things away’, I ALWAYS forget where and it drives me mad.

Anyway, I’ve had a bit of a crappy week, and when this particular type of blaaaah goes down I can’t even lay in my own bed at night without feeling uncomfortable and needing to change things. I’ve also got a pretty grim cold that I can’t shake off, so I haven’t slept for a few nights anyway and today I lay on my bed for a minute and just thought to myself, ‘I NEED TO BURN EVERYTHING’. Yes, I’m slightly melodramatic but I can’t help it. So I set about my mission to get rid of everything I could.
I got straight under the bed – my favourite hiding spot- and started pulling out all sorts of things, magazines, shoes, clothes....a random fork? make up...literally all sorts!!

The only thing I actually like about tidying my room is the little things I find that I treasure and had forgotten all about! Like today for example, I came across a letter I got in 2004 from an old boyfriend, it was the funniest thing ever, it was all random bits of memories and things we had done or things we had watched together and then something he had to get off his chest about my boyfriend at the time (one of his so called best friends, yes, I know that sounds bad on my part, but it wasn’t like it sounds!), he had to tell me about my boyfriend cheating on me and how sorry he was and that he would never treat me like that and breaking up was such a mistake etc. It was actually a really funny/sweet letter and then at the end to cheer me up he insisted I watch Battle Royale because he knew I’d like it....I still watch it when I’m feeling sad to cheer myself up. I haven’t seen it, but Battle Royale is kind of what I imagine The Hunger Games to be like, but for kids?? But yeah, I love finding little gems like that!!

I also noticed that I hoard sunglasses, I have over 20 pairs....I did not know this.

So far, I have a bin bag full of clothes and about 10 pairs of shoes to get rid of and I still have no room for the stuff I’ve kept. Gotta keep going I guess.
When I’m finally done, I’m going to paint my room white, like a blank canvas, cover up the things I want to forget. Yep. I’ve spotted some bedding in good old Primark that I want too. I’m supposed to be saving for my holiday, but it’s something I just have to buy! Haha.

Also on my list is;

fake tan (St. Moritz – best ever)
eyelashes (Dimples)
earrings (River Island...£1.50 – can’t resist!)
hair dye
Couple of t-shirts to DIY

I can’t wait to DIY some more stuff for my holiday. I’m obsessed with dip dying and studding.
Might colour my hair too! it’s ombre at the moment but I keep thinking about colours. It used to be Alpine Green. I loved it maybe it’s time to go back?.......

I’ll ponder that thought whilst I get on with my room.....after I've finished painting my nails....
(Red Wine, Barry M)

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