Thursday 17 April 2014

Man! I Feel Like A Woman

WELL, let me explain a little here..... I am constantly being moaned at or told I dress like a boy.


I've been making effort since Christmas and bought some dresses and stuff for when I go on nights out, but to be completely honest, I feel like a bit of a fake when I wear them.

I DO wear dresses, I like dresses, but I just don't feel right 'dressed up', if you know what I mean?

I can do casual/dressy no problemo, but, I don't know, I'm not the kind of girl who sits around all day with her rollers in getting ready. I do indulge in the odd bit of tan and will occasionally curl my hair or put rollers in my fringe, but that's about it!

I don't ever enjoy myself if I'm dressed up, I'm constantly aware of my dress or shoes or bag or whatever, it's so annoying. I used to wish I was one of those girls, but I really don't care for it, I've tried to be and it's just not me!

I'm so much happier in jeans and a top or a DRESS and tights and boots, and my trusty leather jacket.

I used to dress up because I felt bad because me and one friend in particular go out all the time together and she loves dressing up and all that and because I didn't, she wouldn't.

She says dressing up  makes her feel 'sexy' and I suppose if people are always coming up and chatting you up then I guess that's how you'll feel but I HATE that kind of thing, I'm really awkward and if anyone comes over I automatically just cringe. I hate the word 'sexy' because I don't think I need to feel sexy at all, but I probably have felt my sexiest ever when I have been comfortable, whether that was in pj's or a jumper or I don't know, a onesie?! haha but that's all down to the situation, I don't feel sexy having to constantly pull my dress down or my feet are throbbing. She doesn't get that though. Some people just have 'sexy' about them I guess.

I suppose it does all come back around to boys, the boys I know, well  the ones I would even consider going near, aren't really interested in if I wear heels, or a dress, or make up. The boy's I like have said it doesn't matter what I look like dolled up, I'm better without it all, and that's how I feel too. I told her this and she was like, "Nah, boy's say that but they all love it when a girl has the wow factor. You should look amazing when you next see him!' Now, this specific person we were talking about, if I dressed up all glam and girly would just look at me like 'Why are you doing this? Who are you?!' He has seen me dressed up plenty for special occasions, and has seen me at my worst, first thing in the morning, and he's probably even seen me vomm a few times, but he has told me I'm fine just the way I am, and he always tells me this.  Maybe people don't tell her that and that's why she thinks that, but I've always had people around me , who KNOW me, and like that about me. Maybe I need to be that person? I'll give it a go. I don't like the thought of dressing up for a boy to look at me and ARGH I don't know! haha I'm rambling on here but yeah, I like being comfortable, then I can be myself, if people don't like that then you know, they can fuck off maybe?!

Anyway, I thought I'd share a couple of little posts on my 'comfy clothes' and my 'going out' clothes - not the girly ones, the ME ones.

Then maybe some people will see, I don't actually dress like a boy. I wear skirts, and make up, and dresses and tights and ballet pumps and I enjoy wearing all of it! I just prefer to wear it all with a leather jacket and comfortable shoes!!


I'll write a shoe post next, just didn't want to make this any longer than it already is!!

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