Wednesday 23 April 2014

Head (SO) Over Heels

So, as I said I would do a shoe post, here it is!!

I thought I'd just put together a few of my favourite comfy shoes (trainers, mainly!),

These are the ones I tend to wear most often, however, I am a hoarder/clothes & shoes fiend so I do have more and I might feature some others in another post, maybe like my going out/special occasion shoes?!

We shall see!

Well here we go!

CONVERSE! I LOVE my Converse! I have the burgundy kinda ones on most days, I love them, and it's one of my faaavourite colours! Comfort and colour! yay!

Aaaand I also have them in black! (and white, and all black..)

OOOOO I just love my Nikes, they are soooo comfortable! I managed to get a 4.5 which is amazing because I'm usually a 4 but sometimes one foot feels a bit tight....anyone else?....just me? Anyway,these are my hero trainers, super comfy, cute and were £8.90!!!! Yes,£8.90 in the Nike outlet in Cheshire oaks. My sister has them too, couldn't leave them there for that price!

VANS. LOVE. I have a few pairs of Vans, I'm not really sure where I've put them though. My brother got me these for my birthday a few years ago, and believe me this is a good gift from him! He actually thought about what I might like! haha. 

AH my sweet, sweet Adidas Gazelles. I love that all the old style trainers are back, when I was a kid, I lived in trainers and jellies, but I loved trainers and I had some pretty similar to these when I was little but I think they may have been baby blue?! I got these for my birthday about 2 years ago. I'm glad I picked this colour and my mate tells me he likes the colour everytime I wear them haha.

Last but definitely by no means least, my Doc's. These need no explanation. They are just boss. I tend to wear them with is that not girly?!?! 

WELL, there we have it, my favourite comfies!!

I love being comfortable and it doesn't mean I'm not girly! They're even colourful! - which I only just realised when I was writing this! haha!

Do you prefer comfort or will you handle the pain for the beauty? I wish I could but I'm a wimp! 


  1. Your Docs are so pretty! Owning a pair of Docs is seriously something I want, but somehow here they are so expensive! :( Thank you for sharing your link with me on Twitter!!

    Alexandra | The A Style | Beauty and lifestyle

    1. :) thanks for looking!! I know, they are expensive!! I got mine on ebay for super cheap!! took me a while to find a good pair!! xx
