Monday, 13 October 2014

Wednesday's Child Is Full of Woe...

Wednesday's Child Is Full of Woe...

OKAY, so it's not Wednesday but hey, Halloween is fast approaching and it is definitely one of my favourite celebrations! I genuinely love it and look forward to it all year!!

October is my favourite month.
It is my Mum's birthday, it's autumn, everywhere is colourful, the weather is amazing and there are Halloween themed items in all of the shops! 
I love skulls so thought I would post a little skull/Halloween themed inspiration board to get you in the mood - if you're not already!

I don't actually think I know anyone that DOESN'T like Halloween.
It's just a fun time! So get in the spirit!

It falls on a Friday this year and unfortunately I'll be in work Saturday morning but that's fine, I will postpone a day then I will dress up, get bloody looking cocktails at the ready and head out!

Actual Halloween will most probably be spent tucked up at home with my pumpkin spice candles burning, having a horror fest!

I couldn't be more excited!!

P.s - how amazing is this bedding?!?!